What To Do About a Broken Windshield
Broken windshields are probably the most common auto repair in the industry. If you drive a car for long enough, you’ll eventually find yourself dealing with a windshield repair. Windshield repair is a touchy subject among many in the automotive repair industry.
While many professionals insist that even a chipped windshield should be replaced right away, drivers often disagree. Though they risk a significant ticket, drivers are often loath to pay for what they feel is an unnecessary expense.
Unfortunately, even the smallest chip in a windshield damages the structural integrity of the whole thing. Not only does that make your windshield more prone to shattering upon a minor impact, it also means that spiderweb cracks may spread at any time.
This could cause you to lose visibility, and may even result in an accident. Your insurance company may even decline to cover the cost of the damage because you neglected to repair the windshield! So, the windshield is broken, and needs to be replaced. Now. What do you do?
Call Your Insurance Company
Windshield damage is incredibly common, meaning that your insurance company likely has a smooth process worked out to deal with them. Even an inexperienced insurance agent should be able to process a claim for a broken windshield. Get in touch with your agent to determine how much of the repair will be covered by your policy.
This may depend on what situation actually caused your window to break. If your windshield isn’t covered, don’t panic! Windshield replacement can get pricey, but windshield repairs frequently cost less than $100.

Get Windshield Repair Estimates
Take out your phone and get some clear photographs off the damage. If possible, you should get an accurate measurement of the length of the cracks. Take this information and get estimates from your local repair shops.
Don’t just call shops that specialize in windshield repair! Lots of auto body collision shops have windshield experts on site as well. Calling around is the best way to ensure that you get a good deal. Be sure to check what sort of windshield repair methods their staff specialize in, if they do that sort of work at all.
Do Your Research
Insurance companies used to insist upon a total windshield replacement, today, things aren’t so definite. Technology has improved, and there are many instances where a glass repair can result in a windshield which is just as strong and transparent as a fresh sheet of glass. Windshield repair usually costs less than ⅓ of what you would pay to replace the whole window. Be sure to ask all of the shops you speak with to quote you prices for both a replacement and a repair.
Are you ready to get an estimate for your windshield repair? Visit the online estimate or Contact Us directly to speak with one of our talented windshield repair specialists.
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